Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ferdinand the Bull

Have you ever heard the story of Ferdinand the Bull? It's one of my favorites. When I was a child my parents had it on an album and I would listen to it often in my room on our record player. Please watch the video to the end. It's such a sweet story. It makes me think of two things, mainly. One, I can identify with Ferdinand's feelings of content and his ability to find pure joy in the simple wonders of life. Two, I really need that Bee to come along once in awhile to get me going. I see myself and my son, Tyler, in Ferdinand. I believe we are all who we are, call it spirit or soul, from the day we are born. Some of us just take longer to figure it out then others. There is peace in that knowing and understanding of ourselves and others and I will continue towards that truth in my life.

So, for those of us who need a little push now and then to get out of our comfort zone, I suggest visualizing Ferdinand and the Bee to give you the ZAP you need to get going.

Here it is...and enjoy!

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