Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happy Mother's Day - May 11, 2008

Mother's Flowers

In my mother's yard flowers grow front to back and everywhere in between
There are very few areas of soil, where soil can actually be seen
Pansies, petunias, carnations to name just a few
In every shape and size, every imaginable hue
That day I saw just flowers
Looking back now it's clear to me
That the beauty of those flowers
Was my mother's heart, you see
An outward expression for the world to see
The love that she has inside
A love so great, so deep and true
Yet so easy for her to hide
The care and attention required to keep those beautiful flowers alive
Reflect of her nurturing qualities
Her commitment, her patience and pride
So next time I see a garden I'll look beyond what my eyes only see
For behind it there may be more beauty
then just the flower or the bee...

Copyright ©2008 Penelope Joan Reola

I wrote this poem for my mother many years ago. It is still as true today as the day I wrote it. My mother and father have already put many hours into their yard and gardens and it shows. Everything is alive, growing and changing everyday. I love to see the pride in their eyes and joy on their faces when I stop by and they insist on showing me their work. You can always find the birds eating or bathing in the area of the yard dad has arranged for them. The squirrels have made homes in two of the bird houses. They even had babies and my parents got to see them bring their babies out of the house when it was time for them to move out on their own. It's a very peaceful place with just the right amount of sunshine, shade and tender loving care. I consider myself very fortunate and blessed to be able to call this place "Home". My mother always reminds me, when I tell her how much I can't wait for my yard to look as beautiful as hers, that it wasn't so long ago that it didn't look this way. She remembers the worn out areas where her kids would play that my dad could never get grass to grown on. She tells me that someday when my yard is as beautiful as hers I will wish for the days when it was overrun with my children playing. I know she is right. So for now, I am happy to just sit by her side in her beautiful garden talking, watch my kids do cartwheels or have a catch and soak up all the wisdom she can share. For this time, too, will pass far to quickly.

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